
Reviews from real humans. They were afraid. They shunned technology. They thought their clients wouldn’t use it. Then they pushed the button and everything changed.

headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer colleen r.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

It’s magic!

“By noon—before Hummingbook—I’d have 10 texts from unknowns all asking when I can get them in. It was mind numbing. Now I wake up to actual appointments in my calendar. It’s magic.”

Colleen R.
Permanent Makeup Artist
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer leslie b.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

So easy for everyone to use

“Sooooo… I posted my link on fb. Got 3 new clients to book via Hummingbook. It’s so easy for everyone to use… and I love the “notes” peeps write me! Do u know that I LOVE you?! 😉”

Leslie B.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer alyssa w.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Life is a million times easier

“It really works. It makes your life a million times easier.

Alyssa W.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer dana d.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

My clients love it

“I ask every single client how it went. Literally everybody loves it. There’s not a single one that doesn’t. This is what they say: ‘I was scared. I don’t know anything about computers. Websites freak me out. But this? Soooo easy.’ ”

Dana D.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer leslie j.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Nobody’s waiting on me

“Ever since I started Hummingbook, I’M JUST BOOKED! It’s crazy. I’m booked three weeks. I had to start changing my schedule so I wasn’t working 16 hours day. People have saved the link as a bookmark. They just go on there. Whenever they want. It’s the best thing ever. They can be at their desk from work, and don’t have to wait to hear from me. I’m so excited about it. It has been super awesome. I can’t even explain how awesome it’s been to you. I not only have people going, “this is the best thing ever leslie”, but when they show up on the wrong day, I can point them to the confirmation email.”

Leslie J.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer jessica w.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

I’m more efficient now

“I LOVE that it took less than 10 minutes to email 4 people and they have ALL booked with Tim! ❤️ Hummingbook.”

Jessica W.
Executive Assistant
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer krys h.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Super FAST support

“Listen Christian. I want to say: I’ve never met anyone more attentive. You respond in seconds. You’re lightning fast. Nobody makes me laugh like you do. I never even shook your hand and I f&#*ing love you. Dude this is lovely. This is just terrific.”

Krys H.
Fitness Coach
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer jenny c.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Love the funny sense of humor

“I get so many people who love your system and I love the funny sense of humor of it! And the EASE!!! It’s great verbiage. I fancy that my clients think it’s me that’s funny. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣”

Jenny C.
Permanent Makeup Artist
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer adele l.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

I didn’t have to set it up

It’s awesome that you transferred all my appointments for me. I didn’t want to set it all up. That’s why I didn’t switch sooner. I didn’t want to enter in my prices and all that stuff.”

Adele L.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer lori c.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Giddy with delight

“People are starting to book directly from the website after they’ve found us via Internet search. We are giddy with delight to see an unknown name on the schedule without having a previous call/text/email associated with it! Does it ever get old to hear how completely fantabulous you are?”

Lori C.
Body Waxer
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer candace s.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app



Candace S.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer mark y.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Made more $$$ immediately

“Awesome. Hummingbook tells people how long their appts will be. Clients always ask me this. The best part? That one appointment—my first one with Hummingbook—netted me an extra $30. And the first person to ever book should have been the biggest pain in the a$$. Nope. She just booked. No questions. No texts. No problems.”

Mark Y.
headshot for hummingbook online booking app customer deyna z.;
5 star review for hummingbook online booking app

Set free from my phone

“No words for how in love I am! The efficiency of Hummingbook has given me back countless hours of my life both professionally and personally. I’m no longer a slave to my phone and schedule! Not sure if anybody has reached out to you or not, but I have given your information to at least five, maybe six, people about Hummingbook! Truly the Best!”

Deyna Z.
Wax Technician
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cactus with christmas lights and a tent
appointments booked